#1 Pictures of you, the business owner – people want to know who they are working with. They want to like you. They want to buy/work with someone they like. I can’t like you if I can’t see you.

#2 Pictures of your place of business – Where will I go to meet you? A scary cave? Somewhere warm and inviting? The purpose of these pictures is to set expectations and make your potential customer feel at ease.
Side note – clean it up before you take pictures.

#3 Pictures of what you do – talking on the phone all day? No problem. Take some smiling phone photos. Scrubbing toilets? Do it with a smile!
Show what you do! Show what you do!…

#4 Pictures of who you want to work with/ your target customer – Do you help elderly couples with finding assisted living locations? I want to see you with some happy older folk. Targeting small children? Show some kids. Do you serve a variety of clientele? Show me that variety.
Do I fit in with your customer base? Show me.

#5 Behind-the-scenes pictures – what do you have to do to make it all work? These tell the story of your business. These show the value you put into your services. This tells me why it’s worth it to work with you.
Overall, show me photos with personality. I want to see my financial advisor throwing money at me! Actually, I just want him to throw money at me. But make it fun. Make it personal. Make it engaging.